Software Used:
Unity / C#
2 Months
Team Size:
Game Designer, Programming
Promotion Heist is a non-violent Multiplayer Tactics RPG. I wanted to see if I could make a non-violent game in a genre that typically involves attacks and weapons. I decided to make the game about a group of friends and coworkers who are rallying together to help get one of their friends a promotion at work, however, they aren’t the only group who is looking to help their friend get the role.
My first iteration of the game involved only one playable team and 2 AI teams, as well as the Boss who is run by AI code. It was going well until I encountered some tricky pathfinding problems that came from the units evaluating every near a target to see if it was an optimal choice, and then calculating a path to each option. This then got even more complicated when some units or targets were surrounded and inaccessible. As a compromise I made all of the teams player controlled, to emulate what it would be like in multiplayer, and kept the boss AI controlled.
In the future I might add special attacks to the game, update the pathfinding to make the boss more random and not always take the optimal path to add realism.
Creating a grid-based movement system.
Creating a basic AI system for the Boss’s movements.
Creating the level from a set of premade assets.
Implementing a breadth-first pathfinding system.
Designing a ‘battle system’ that wasn’t based on violence.