Software Used:
Unreal Engine 4.25
3 Months
Team Size:
Game Designer, Programming (Blueprints), Level Designer
The Front was created to be a hybrid between the Original Star Wars: Battlefront and Battlefield. Having been using Unity for years I needed to refamiliarize myself with Unreal Engine as it has changed a lot since I last made a game using it. in The Front you must kill enemies and capture and hold Control Points to decrease enemy Spawns.
This was also a good project to really get to grips with the Blueprint system which made fast iteration very simple. I purposly didn’t use the Third Person Starter Content provided by Unreal to really help me get to grips with creating animation blueprints and player controllers from scratch.
Creating the Player Controller which supports both Mouse + Keyboard and Controller input.
Implementing animation blueprints with blendtrees, aim offsets, layered blends and IK weapons.
Designing a ‘Conquest’ game mode where units must control Command Points and kill enemies to win.
Creating an AI system for NPC’s using Blackboards, Behaviour Trees and AI Perception.
Implementing UI for the player and Command Points.
Making a spawn point selection function, that shows an overview of the battlefield.
Designing and creating a large level using Landscape sculpting, Landscape painting, foliage, splines and Synty assets.